
Biofertilizers are known to cure and prevent many negative aspects of chemical fertilizers like damage to soil microflora and microfauna, high plants' exposure to some pathogens and other risks to ecosystem, animals and humans.

Biofertilizers are natural in Organic Farming: the raising of unpolluted crops through the use of manures, bifertilizers and biopesticides that provide optimum nutrients to crop plants, keeping pests and pathogens under control, meanwhile keeping the produce free from harmful chemical and biological agents.


Use of biofertilizers is historically known to people for thousands of years – there is an archeological evidence that organic fertilizers, such as manure, compost, vermicompost were used in Ancient Egypt, Babilon, Mesopotamia and other early agricultural societies. These agents can be considered as early Biofertilizers, rendering nutrients, microorganisms and micro-elements and in available forms.

Nobbe and Hiltner (1895, USA) produced the first Rhizobium biofertilizer under the brand name “Nitragin” for 17 different legumes.

Although chemical fertilizers increase soil fertility, crop productivity and production, intensive use of chemical fertilizers has caused serious concern of soil texture, soil fertility, soil erosion and other environmental problems.

Use of Biofertilizers is both economical as well as environment friendly. They can assure high yield, along with soil protection and long-term use of available agricultural resources.

Technology Investments offers a wide range of biofertilizer products